Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hello, World

It is entirely possible that the distorted musings of my mind are not worth the time you are about to spend reading them. Then again, perhaps they are.

I am a cynic. I have not seen so much of life, but in my time I have seen evil, pain, ugliness, blackness, and hatred. There are many people whom I trust, but I do not trust people. We live in a chaotic and screwed up world, and if we do not recognize that then we run the risk of being sucked into the dark, whirling mass of ungood that surrounds us.

I am a lover. Through the fog of wickedness in which we wander, I have learned to see beyond, to see beauty, to see God, to see love. When I say I am a lover I do not mean in the romantic sense (whether it be literary romanticism or relationship based romanticism). I mean instead that I look around me and feel overcome with wonder at the blessings God has given us. There was a time when the cynic in me would have scoffed at that statement; perhaps the cynic is dying, but I think he is only learning. I love nature; I love people; I love my family, my friends, my Church. I love living, though it has its moments of great trial and pain, though it means that sometimes we must stare evil in the face and not back down, life is still a precious and beautiful gift.

A Warning: I am fond of quotes and allusions, and am likely to constantly be scattering musical or literary references throughout my entries. When people recognize them, I am overcome with joy, and when they do not, I remind myself that I am a pedantic ass, and so I am not downtrodden.

Also: I alternate between overblown attempts at poeticism, and blunt, coarse, direct language. Let the reader beware.

And so let the mind of a madman wander and muse, pondering the great evils in the world and rejoicing over the great beauties of life. I shall write whatever strikes me, and so we begin.


  1. Okay, cynical, loving Catholic--let's see what you're made of.

  2. i really like what you said on katelin's blog about nature not letting us down as people can - even though we are all God's creation. for someone who is a not a huge nature buff, you just might convert me ...
