Sunday, July 19, 2009

So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm looking back on Sodom. I hope I don't get turned into a pillar of salt. Most of my life I've had different groups of friends, but they usually mesh well enough together. At my graduation party there were friends from church and the theater and my next door neighbors and others, and all was marvelous. Now... now I have my college friends and my church friends, and they don't mix. I know they're very different people, but often very different people still get along perfectly well. I know I've changed a good bit in the past year. Are some of the old faces no longer friends worth having? I don't think so. Then why am I never comfortable mixing? I suspect, but I don't know the solution.

1 comment:

  1. +JMJ+

    It might just be "life." =) I have two groups of friends who aren't comfortable mixing with each other, and we all went to the same high school together!
