Friday, October 30, 2009

My Laptop Has teh Pig Aidz!!!1!!!

Right, so my laptop is infected, and I haven't had time to do a complete re-install of the OS or try to figure out another way around it, so I can't post except from work, which I obviously am not getting paid to do. I've got some ideas, promise! If you've been following and like any of my ramblings, I'll be back soon with more of 'em.

(Right, and please forgive the title... I work surrounded by people just as horribly toolish as I... if not worse... so yeah, memes abound)


  1. hey, if you can pull this off, Download AVG antivirus, it's a beefier program than clamwin, the only problem is it conflicts with MacAfee, which last I remember you uninstalled, so it's no worry. I'm not entirely sure what I changed your localmgr password too but you can run it again from the command prompt in your main login if you need the localmgr account to get admin privileges back.

  2. +JMJ+

    "Teh Pig Aidz"??? Bwahahahaha!

    I got a good laugh just from your title.

    I hope everything works out soon. =)
